CIS 145
Jose Perez
Earl Weidner
Module 6 Summary:
Session 6.1: This session helped me open my eyes to how many threats are in this “sub-world” called internet. There is a lot to consider regarding protecting yourself on the internet, the basic security concepts, and countermeasures, knowing how encryption works and how to use it to protect yourself against secrecy threats, and your data integrity. This session also talks about some steps to prevent identity theft, and the security concerns for social network users.
Session 6.2: This session is about more direct attacks, like a malware attack. Malware attack is any type of malicious software designed to cause harm or damage to a computer, server, client, or computer network and/or infrastructure without end-user knowledge. There is different malware like trojans, spyware, adware, etc. This means, they don’t only want your information bank accounts or steal your identity, some only want to destroy your computer or spy on your activity and habits.
Of course, those are not the only ways to protect yourself and your information but is a start to make sure to make it as hard as possible to get your information without your consent.
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